Comitetul Director
Comitetul Director al Asociației de Psihoterapie Integrativă și Psihologie Clinică are urmatoarea structură:
- Marcel-Alexandru Găină – Președinte ales | Short bio
- Octavian Bivol – Vicepreședinte
- Felicia Ciobanu – Vicepresedinte
- Eugenia Erhan – Președinte al Comisiei Profesionale
- Angelina Enache – Membru
Președinte de onoare – Magda Luchian
Asociația de Psihoterapie Integrativă și Psihologie Clinică (APIPC) își propune:
- Promovarea conceptului de „integrare” in psihoterapie
- Facilitarea comunicarii internationale intre psihoterapeuti profesionisti care folosesc conceptele psihoterapiei integrative
- Curs de formare in „Psihoterapie Integrativa” – durata 4 ani
- Cursuri de dezvoltare personala – durata 1 an
- Cursuri de formare continua in specialitatile psihoterapie si psihologie clinica
Cursurile sunt acreditate de Colegiul Psihologilor din Romania si beneficiaza de participarea unor formatori cu experienta in psihologia clinica si psihoterapie din Romania si din strainatate.
Standardele de formare europeană
1. Durata și continutul formării în psihoterapie
1.1 Durata totală a formarii va fi de cel putin 3200 de ore, pe intinderea a sapte ani, din care cel putin patru ani trebuie sa fie o formare specifica psihoterapiei. Asociația Europeană de Psihoterapie Integrativă va evalua proportia elementelor de formare catre trebuie realizate inainte de acordarea Certificatului.
1.2 Formarea a fost acreditata de o Organizatie Nationala Umbrela si de catre Organizatia Europeana relevanta, daca aceasta este membra a Asociației Europene de Psihoterapie – EAP (asa cum este EAIP), si de catre alte organizatii profesionale recunoscute in acest scop.
1.3 Supervizarea si terapia sunt asigurate de praticieni a caror pregatire intruneste criteriile pentru ECP si alti candidati specificati de EAP.
1.4 Formarea indeplineste criteriile EAP pentru formarea profesionala de baza si include urmatoarele elemente:
1.4.1 Experienta psihoterapeutica personala sau echivalentul acesteia
Aceasta componenta include analiza formarii, experienta individuala si alte metode care implica auto-reflectia, terapia si experienta personala. Nu exista un singur termen comun tuturor metodelor de psihoterapie. Orice formare va include aranjamente care sa asigure faptul ca persoanele aflate in formare pot identifica si gestiona adecvat implicarea lor personala in si contributia lor la procesul psihoterapeutic, in practica metodei respective.
1.4.2 Studiul teoretic
Va exista o parte de studii universitare si o parte de formare profesionala specifica psihoterapiei. Studille universitare sau profesionale care conduc la obtinerea unei diplome de licenta relevanta pentru domeniul psihoterapiei sunt luate in considerare ca parte a pregatirii in psihoterapie, dar nu pot fi contabilizate ca parte a celor patru ani de formare profesionala specifica in psihoterapie. Elementele specifice ale formarii trebuie sa includa: Teorii ale dezvolatrii umane, incluzand dezvoltarea sexuala. O intelegere a altor abordari psihoterapeutice O teorie a schimbarii O intelegere a problemelor sociale legate de psihoterapie Teorii in psihopatologie
1 4 2.6 Teorii pentru evaluare si interventie
1.4.3 Formarea practica
Aceasta va include suficienta practica si supervizare in metoda psihoterapeutica, si va avea o durata de minim doi ani.
1.4.4 Plasarea intr-o unitate de sanatate mentala sau experienta profesionala echivalenta acesteia.
Plasarea trebuie sa furnizeze o experienta adecvata a crizelor psiho-sociale si colaborarea cu alti specialisti din domeniul santatii mentale.
2. Finalizarea formarii
2.1 La finalul celor sapte ani de formare, persoana aflata in formare trebuie sa demonstreze maturitate personala, sociala si profesionala si angajamentul de a lucra conform standardelor etice ale EAIP si Organizatiei Nationale Umbrela (nota: In Romania aceasta este FRP- Federatia Romana de Psihoterapie).
2.2 Va exista o evaluare a componentei teoretice si practice, incluzand evaluarea externa.
2.3 Psihoterapeutul trebuie sa faca parte dintr-o organizatie profesionala recunoscuta de NAO si sa indeplineasca standardele etice.
2.4 Psihoterapeutul trebuie sa fi absolvit o formare profesionala de baza in cadrul unei organizatii acreditate si formare avansata in cadrul acelei organizatii sau a unei alte organizatii acreditate in aceeasi metoda de psihoterapie.
Codul etic
1. Introduction
1.1 The purpose of a Code of Ethics is to define general principles and to establish standards of professional conduct for psychotherapists in their work and to inform and protect those members of the public who seek their services. Each member organisation of the European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy will include and elaborate upon the following principles in its Code of Ethics.
1.2 All psychotherapists are expected to approach their work with the aim of alleviating suffering and promoting the well-being of their clients. Psychotherapists should endeavour to use their abilities and skills to their client’s best advantage without prejudice and with due recognition of the value and dignity of every human being.
1.3 All psychotherapists whose oragnizations are members of the EAIP are required to adhere to the Codes of Ethics and Practice of their own organizations which will be consistent with the following statements and which will have been approved by EAIP Ethics Committee.
2. Codes of Ethics
Each Member Organisation of EAIP must have published a Code of Ethics approved by the EAIP appropriate for the practitioners of that particular organisation and their clients.The Code of Ethics will include and elaborate upon the following ten points to which attention is drawn here. AII psychotherapists are required to adhere to the Codes of Ethics of their own organization.
2.1 Qualifications: Psychotherapists are required to disclose their qualifications when requested and not claim, or imply, qualifications that they do not have.
2.2 Terms, Conditions and Methods of Practice: Psychotherapists are required to disclose on request their terms. conditions and, where appropriate, methods of practice at the outset of psychotherapy.
2.3 Confidentiality: Psychotherapists are required to preserve confidentiality and to disclose, if requested, the limits of confidentiality and circumstances under which it might be broken to specific third parties.
2.4 Professional Relationship: Psychotherapists should consider the client’s best interests when making appropriate contact with the client’s general practitioner, relevant psychiatric services. or other relevant professionals with the client’s knowledge. Psychotherapists should be aware of their own limitations.
2.5 Relationship with Clients: Psychotherapists are required to maintain appropriate boundaries with their clients. They must take care not to exploit their clients. current or past, in any way, financially, sexually, or emotionally.
2.6 Research: Psychotherapists are required to clarify with clients the nature. purpose and conditions of any research in which the clients are to be involved and to ensure that informed and verifiable consent is given before commencement.
2.7 Publication: Psychotherapists are required to safeguard the welfare and anonymity of clients when any form of publication of clinical material is being considered and to obtain their consent whenever possible.
2.8 Practitioner Competence: Psychotherapists are required to maintain their ability to perform competently and to take necessary steps to do so.
2.9 Indemnity Insurance: Psychotherapists are required to ensure that their professional work is adequately covered by appropriate indemnity insurance.
2. 10 Detrimental Behaviour: (1) Psychotherapists are required to refrain from any behaviour that may be detrimental to the profession. to colleagues or to trainees. (ii) Psychotherapists are required to take appropriate action in accordance with Clause 5.7 with regard to the behaviour of a colleague which may be detrimental to the profession, to colleagues or to trainees.
3. Advertising
Member organisations of the EAIP and individual psychotherapists are required to restrict promotion of their work to a description of the type of psychotherapy they provide. Psychotherapists are required to distinguish carefully between self-descriptions,as in a list. and advertising seeking enquiries.
4. Code of Practice
Each Member Organisation of the EAIP will have published a Code of Practice approved by the EAIP and appropriate for the practitioners of that particular organization and their clients. The purpose of Code of Practice is to clarify and expand upon the general principles established in the Code of Ethics of the organization and the practical application of those principles. All psychotherapists whose member organizations are members of the EAIP will be required to adhere to the Codes of Practice of their own organisations.
5. Complaints Procedure
Each Member Organisation of the EAIP must have published a Complaints Procedure, including information about the acceptability or otherwise of a complaint made by a third party against a practitioner.
Coordonatori grupuri formare
- psih. Teodora Petrescu
- psih. Andreea Susai
- psih. Elena Corban
Comitetul Fondator
Comitetul Fondator al Asociației de Psihoterapie Integrativă și Psihologie Clinică are urmatoarea structură:
- Magda Luchian – psihoterapeut, Președinte de onoare al APIPC
- Marcel Alexandru Găină, medic psihiatru Institutul de Psihiatrie Socola Iasi și psihoterapeut, Președinte al APIPC
- Octavian Bivol – S.C. PSYCHE HARMONY S.R.L., Iasi – Medic specialist medicină alternativă și psihoterapeut
- Ciobanu Felicia – psiholog clinician și psihoterapeut Institutul de Psihiatrie Socola Iasi, Cabinet individual de psihologie
- Erhan Eugenia – psihoterapeut Cabinet individual de psihologie
- Silvestru Livia – psiholog clinician și psihoterapeut Cabinet individual de psihologie
- Enache Angelina – psiholog clinician și psihoterapeut Cabinet individual de psihologie
- Petrescu Teodora Carina psiholog clinician și psihoterapeut Cabinet individual de psihologie
- Andrei Radu – Medic primar psihiatru Institutul de Psihiatrie Socola Iasi – Sef sectie, Conferentiar la Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei, Universitatea „Petre Andrei” din Iasi, CMI Psihiatrie
- Andrei Diana Elena – psiholog
- Budeanu Gabriela Doina – medic primar psihiatru, coordonator Centrul de Sanatate Mintala – Iasi
- Balahur Mirona – psiholog, cenzor in cadrul Asociatiei APIPC
- Ciobanu Felicia – psiholog clinician Institutul de Psihiatrie Socola Iasi
- Prepelita Corneliu – avocat, consilierul juridic al asociatiei APIPC